Multi Pitch safety

Multi Pitch safety

sicurezza sosta workshop milano climbing expo urban wall competizione arrampicata

With the Alpine Guide Daniele Guagliardo – Powered by Climbing Technology

You have been climbing crags for some time and are you starting to look at larger walls with another interest? You would like to move your goals
mountain climbers facing multi-pitch sport routes? Have you already walked long routes but feel insecure and doubtful on some topics? Not sure how to connect the belay correctly or how to tackle rappelling?

Well, during the Milano Climbing Expo you will have the opportunity to register and follow the workshops held by an Alpine Guide with
topics focused on multi-pitch routes!

Progression, materials, stops, protections, correct use of the brakes, management of the parked rope and, for those who wish, hints on the use of fast protections (friends and nuts) are some of the topics that will be treated and studied in depth. It will be a pleasant opportunity to talk and deepen together!